We’re becoming connoisseurs of ridiculous arguments against driver-safety laws for cell phones and text messaging devices.
It’s rare to see two in the same day, but we are doubly blessed today. Check out these bone-headed comments from a couple of Republicans during West Virginia’s committee meeting on texting while driving:
Delegate Carol Miller, R-Cabell, pointed out that kids are really, really good at text messaging while driving.
“Young people can text all day without even looking,” she said.
If texting and driving is banned in West Virginia, perhaps there should be an exemption for truly skilled thumb jockeys under the age of 25.
Delegate Jonathan Miller, R-Berkeley, dismissed the nationwide movement to ban handheld cell phone use by drivers:
“Other states are just making a political statement.”
True. They appear to be working some kind of anti-death agenda.
Let’s hope Miller’s constituents also make a political statement next time this guy is up for re-election.
Read more about West Virginia and cell phone, text messaging bans.