Florida's Dori Slosberg Foundation is running this text messaging safety PSA in South Florida movie theaters. Pretty hokey, until it's chilling. … [Read more...]
Indiana: Cell phone laws, legislation
Cell phone, texting update: Violators of the 2020 hands-free driving law will now see demerit points vs. their licenses. The law barring drivers from using handheld communications devices took effect July 1, 2020, but the points went into effect a year later. State law officers issued more than 14,000 citations and warnings for electronic distracted driving as of early 2023. Fines up to $500 under the law generated by Rep. Holli Sullivan's HB 1070. Gov. Holcomb called for the hands-free law while announcing his agenda for the 2020 legislative session and repeated the message in the State … [Read more...]
Kentucky: Distracted driving laws, legislation
Cell phone, text messaging update: State Rep. James Tipton is making another run at a hands-free law during the 2023 legislative session via HB 12. Tipton filed similar bills in 2020 and 2022, but they did not make it out of committee. "I think it's time," Tipton said. "It's about saving lives." Fines would run from $20 to $100. Kentucky currently bans texting and driving, with fines starting at $25. That law dates back to 2010 and is considered outdated and unenforceable. In 2013, Gov. Steve Beshear used his administrative powers to toughen the state distracted driving laws after the … [Read more...]
South Dakota: Cell phone laws, legislation
Distracted driving news: A new electronic distracted driving law took effect July 1, 2020. The new law bars many uses of electronic devices while driving, but allows for some phone-related activity and limited GPS use. It classifies offenses as a Class 2 misdemeanors, which come with fines as high as $500 and possible jail time. Primary enforcement. The governor signed off on state Rep. Doug Barthel's distracted driving measure in late March. The previous texting & driving law registers was a petty offense and limited to secondary enforcement. Gov. Kristi Noem did not take a position on the … [Read more...]
Vermont: Cell phone, texting driving laws
Distracted driving update: Roadway deaths in Vermont remain near peak levels, officials said at the end of 2021. At least 73 people died on the state's streets and highways. Almost half were intoxicated and a third were speeding. A law enforcement official said distracted driving continued to be "a leading cause" of the fatalities. The previous decade's average was 71.5 deaths. A ban on drivers' use of handheld cell phones went into effect in Vermont in fall 2014. First offenders see fines of up to $200 but no points unless the violation occurs in a work zone (2 points vs. driver's … [Read more...]
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