Teenagers know all about the dangers of texting and driving, but most of them do it anyway. Those who don't probably have frequent talks with their parents about safety. That's the takeaway from a phone survey of 652 teens taken by Harris Interactive. Almost six in 10 teenagers with driver's licenses surveyed admitted to texting & driving. The idea that texting behind the wheel is the new drunken driving didn't find much support with the kids. Of the 14- to 17-year-olds who have a license or plan to get one (almost all of the teens), 63 percent strongly agree they will get into an … [Read more...]
North Dakota bans texting, driving
North Dakota, one of the few remaining states without any distracted driving law, has just become the 31st state to ban text messaging while driving. State Rep. Larry Klemin's House Bill 1195 prohibits all drivers from using a wireless communications device to read, write and send an electronic message (includes email). The bill was signed April 26 by Gov. Jack Dalrymple. The North Dakota texting and driving law takes effect Aug. 1, with fines of $100. Enforcement is primary. Dalrymple said at the signing ceremony: “Texting while driving is clearly a dangerous distraction that can … [Read more...]
‘She took her eyes off of the road to see a text’
To the Tatum (Texas) High School student body: "Leah Propes has phoned me this morning and asked that I share with you what she has now confirmed. "Lillian (16) was driving home from work and was texting while driving. There was no other car involved, Lillian was not under the influence of anything in her system but the crash happened simply because she took her eyes off of the road to see a text and answer a text. Lillian was texting someone she had just recently met. "The Propes family asked that each of you, the Tatum High School family of students, faculty and staff take this tragedy of … [Read more...]
Adults tie teens in texting, driving
Adults are just as likely to text message while driving as teenagers, according to a new national survey. "Adults may be the ones sounding the alarm on the dangers of distracted driving, but they don't always set the best example themselves," said Mary Madden of the Pew Research Center. The finding contradicts the widely held belief that texting and driving is primarily a problem with teens. The Pew report on distracted driving does show, however, that young adults (ages 18 to 34) are the most likely to text and drive, by far (59 percent). More than a quarter of U.S. adults (27 … [Read more...]
Car-crash scene no thriller
There's a new release in the genre of scary PSAs about teens who text message while driving. Students from Treorchy Comprehensive School in Wales worked on the half-hour film "Cow," which tracks the character Cassie Cowan and her friends as they tempt fate in various ways while behind the wheel -- speeding, drunken driving. The final flirtation with death comes as the kids send and read text messages on a handheld phone. The results are horrific; the message is clear. A Florida foundation recently produced a similar text messaging video, with an almost identical ending. Fade to … [Read more...]
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