West Virginia: Cell phone laws, legislation

Cell phone, texting news: Delegate Steve Westfall modernized the state's electronic distracted driving law with a comprehensive rewrite. His HB 2218 of 2023 includes jail or prison time for causing serious injury or a death while driving distracted. The measure was signed into law in late March and took effect in June. West Virginia's law against using handheld cell phones while driving became subject to primary enforcement in 2013. The law went into effect that summer, after a year of secondary enforcement in which police needed another reason to stop a motorist observed breaking the … [Read more...]

North Carolina: Cell phone laws, legislation

Cell phone, texting legislation news: A hands-free bill that failed to become law in the 2021-22 session is back before the Senate. State Sen. Jim Burgin's 2023-24 plan again calls for fines ranging from $100 to $200, with points vs. the license for serial offenders. "Using a wireless communication device not only affects you, but a lot of other people when you are distracted while driving," he has said. A similar bill also expired in the Senate in 2019. A "disappointed" Burgin said he would try again. State voters overwhelming support a ban on holding of electronic devices by drivers, … [Read more...]

California’s hands-free law now in effect

On July 1, two major laws went into effect in this cell phone-loving state. Drivers are required to use hands-free devices if they wish to make cell phone calls from their moving vehicles. In addition, drivers under the age of 18 are prohibited from using wireless phones while driving -- sorry, that means no hands-free devices. Teen drivers also are prohibited from using text-messaging devices and laptop computers. The first infraction brings a $20 ticket; any others will cost $50. The Los Angeles Times says the true costs of those cell phone tickets are $76 and $190, figuring in court … [Read more...]

Oklahoma: Cell phone laws, legislation

Cell phone, text messaging news: State Sen. Todd Gollihare has filed a handheld cell phone bill for the 2024 session. It comes with a fine of up to $100 (including fees) for violators, but without points. The fine would be the same as the current fine for texting & driving while behind the wheel. Ford's plan applies while the vehicle is in motion. State Sen. Ron Sharp proposed a handheld cell phone bill for the 2020 session, but the plan died in committee. "We have to do something right now to protect property and protect our lives," Sharp said, citing the ineffectiveness of the … [Read more...]

New Jersey: Cell phone laws, legislation

Distracted driving update: Driver inattention continues to be a leading killer on New Jersey roads and highways. Numbers for 2021, released at the beginning of 2023, showed distracted driving was linked to 194 fatalities in the state. Distracted driving has been the No. 1 cause of roadway deaths for almost a decade, State Police reported, but in 2021 it was replaced in the top slot by driving under the influence. A New Jersey woman has been sentenced to five years in prison after being convicted of vehicular homicide in a closely watched texting & driving case. Alexandra Mansonet, 50, … [Read more...]