After a crash and ‘epiphany,’ Ky. rep votes yes

Last week, State Rep. Keith Hall of Kentucky turned thumbs down on a plan to ban text messaging while driving. He voted against HB 43 in the House Transportation Committee. The measure succeeded, though, and went before the full House on Feb. 4. This time, Hall voted yes with the zeal of a recent convert. "I've had a change of heart," he told the House. That's because the night before the vote, his wife reportedly reached for her ringing cell phone and plowed into another vehicle. “I heard the sirens go off, and my cell phone rang and they said, ‘Your wife has just had a serious traffic … [Read more...]

Nevada: Cell phone laws, legislation

Cell, texting news: Assemblywoman Michelle Gorelow proposed a modification of the distracted driving laws permitting police to search a driver's cell phone to determine if it contributed to a crash. Allows for police use of a "investigative technology device" such as a textalyzer. Gorelow retreated in early March 2019 on a provision that if a driver refused to hand over the mobile phone, automatic license suspension goes into effect. The legislation was ignored, regardless. The next session begins Feb. 1, 2021. While the Highway Patrol notes that the state's distracted driving law is … [Read more...]

Michigan: Cell phone & texting laws, bills

Distracted driving news: A handheld cell phone ban for drivers took effect June 30, 2023. Gov. Gretchen Whitmer signed off on the three-bill distracted driving package June 7, as expected. The new law amends and expands state texting & driving regulations. Primary enforcement with fines from $100 to $250, plus possible points and community service. Law officers wrote 887 citations in the first six months, plus a similar number of warnings. "As a mom," Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has long supported an upgrade in the distracted driving laws. HB 4252 sponsor state Rep. Mike Mueller has said: "What … [Read more...]

Arizona: Cell phone laws, legislation

Cell phone, text messaging news: Arizona's long-awaited ban on the holding of wireless communications devices went into effect in January 2021, after a warning period. Enforcement is primary. Fines from $75 to $250. Arizona's chances of a statewide distracted driving law increased significantly in 2019, in the wake of a police officer's death in a crash caused by a driver who admitted to texting. "Too many lives have been lost because of texting and driving," Gov. Doug Ducey said as he signed the bill into law in 2019. State highway officers handed out more than 4,000 tickets in the law's … [Read more...]