Amos Johnson is headed for the second Distracted Driving Summit in Washington. The North Carolina man will be talking to the media about his daughter, Ashley, who died after trying to retrieve a text message while driving. He tells some of the story in this student-produced video, “TXTNG & DRIVNG — It Can Wait.”
More: A Florida man is set to tell the summit about his daughter’s distracted driving death.
I am a student driving instructor and teacher of 15-17 year olds. It is hard to educate our students on the dangers of driving while distracted when most of our parents and other so called experienced drivers are using these devices while driving. We see this every day while I am teaching behind the wheel. I see this kids leaving from school..No seatbelts..Cell phone while driving..Education needs to start at home please…
I think ALL drivers should be banned from cell phone use while driving..Here in Louisiana texting is banned for all ages but not talking. This is just a dangerous. EDUCATION AND ENFORCING THE LAW.. And stop producing more powerful devices to install in our brains..