North Dakota, one of the few remaining states without any distracted driving law, has just become the 31st state to ban text messaging while driving. State Rep. Larry Klemin's House Bill 1195 prohibits all drivers from using a wireless communications device to read, write and send an electronic message (includes email). The bill was signed April 26 by Gov. Jack Dalrymple. The North Dakota texting and driving law takes effect Aug. 1, with fines of $100. Enforcement is primary. Dalrymple said at the signing ceremony: “Texting while driving is clearly a dangerous distraction that can … [Read more...]
3 more states enforcing DD laws
New year, new distracted driving laws. Three states -- Delaware, Kentucky and Kansas -- saw their distracted driving laws take full effect as 2011 arrived. In Delaware, the law against driving while text messaging or using a handheld cell phone went into effect Jan. 2. Penalties begin immediately: $50 (first offense), then $100 to $200 for subsequent violations. Delaware's distracted driving bans call for primary enforcement, meaning police can stop and cite motorists for violations without needing another reason. Also prohibited for drivers are Internet activities, game playing and use of … [Read more...]
Wisconsin texting law hits the streets
Wisconsin's long-awaited ban against driving and text messaging is now in effect. Legislators, however, left a couple of loopholes for those motorists who can't hardly wait for their messages: While Wisconsin's text messaging law makes writing and transmitting of messages illegal, it's still OK to read an incoming text or surf the Net. The law only applies when the vehicle is moving, as well. The bill that became Wisconsin's anti-texting law was AB 496, pushed through by Rep. Peter Barca, D-Kenosha (pictured). Fines for first-time violators range from $20 to $400, with 4 points against … [Read more...]
Massachusetts texting ban goes live
Massachusetts’ ban on text messaging is now in full effect. Police are writing tickets, but the lucky might get a warning -- for a while. The new law prohibits all drivers from texting while behind the wheel and bans use of all cell phones by drivers who are 16 and 17 years old. The young drivers are barred from using a variety of devices (TVs, video, PCs) under the heading “mobile electronic devices.” The fines for adults are $100 (first offense), then $250 and $500. Fines for drivers under 18 are $100 plus 60-day license suspension and youth traffic school (first offense), then $250 with … [Read more...]
Distracted parents driving teens to texting
Teenagers tend to follow their parents' lead when it comes to driving ... and texting? NPR's "Morning Edition" just did a segment on teens, texting and distracted driving, citing anecdotal evidence that youth who see their parents engaged in dangerous behaviors while behind the wheel see that as a green light to do the same. One teen told NPR: "If a parent is always on their cell phone, the teen's like, oh, it's fine. My parents do it all the time. And if their parents haven't crashed, then it's kind of like, okay. It's not going to happen." Amanda Lenhart of the Pew Research Center's … [Read more...]
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