Born of personal tragedies, a group that fights the use of cell phones while driving has been launched with the help of the National Safety Council and the U.S. Department of Transportation. FocusDriven describes itself as "an advocacy group for victims of motor vehicle crashes involving drivers using cell phones." The founders (pictured) all lost family members to crashes caused by drivers who were distracted by their cell phones. The group's mission recalls that of Mothers Against Drunk Driving. They include president Jennifer Smith, who lost her mother to a distracted driver in Oklahoma … [Read more...]
Text messaging video sobering, stunning
The Utah texting tragedy that saw two scientists lose their lives has inspired a remarkable 15-minute documentary that should be seen by everyone who uses handheld portable electronic devices. The New York Times recently profiled the case of Reggie Shaw, a college student who was text messaging as he lost control of his SUV and killed the rocket scientists, who were on their way to work. Shaw received a month in jail and 100 hours of community service, an incredibly light sentence that inspired new Utah laws that could add up to 15 years in prison for a texting-related vehicular … [Read more...]
‘Toughest law’ on texting profiled
The New York Times is featuring Utah's anti-text messaging law for motorists, in which violators face up to 15 years in prison if a fatality results from their distracted driving. The Times calls Utah text-messaging ban "the nation’s toughest law to crack down on texting behind the wheel." State Sen. Lyle Hillyard, R-Logan, says: “It’s a willful act. If you choose to drink and drive or if you choose to text and drive, you’re assuming the same risk.” The Times noted: Treating texting behind the wheel like drunken driving raises complex legal questions. Drunken drivers can be identified … [Read more...]
Car-crash scene no thriller
There's a new release in the genre of scary PSAs about teens who text message while driving. Students from Treorchy Comprehensive School in Wales worked on the half-hour film "Cow," which tracks the character Cassie Cowan and her friends as they tempt fate in various ways while behind the wheel -- speeding, drunken driving. The final flirtation with death comes as the kids send and read text messages on a handheld phone. The results are horrific; the message is clear. A Florida foundation recently produced a similar text messaging video, with an almost identical ending. Fade to … [Read more...]
‘Death by Cell Phone’ campaign
The National Safety Council is following up on its sobering "Death by Cell Phone" video by placing roadside billboards in 67 markets nationwide. The campaign's message will reach more than 1 million drivers, the NSC predicts. The campaign tells of two deaths linked to cell phone-using drivers: Joe, a 12-year-old from Michigan and Linda, a 61-year-old from Oklahoma. The "Death by Cell Phone" billboards show pictures of the two victims of distracted driving, and give the URL for the 5-minute video. The father of Joe and the daughter of Linda speak of their families' tragedies and make pleas … [Read more...]
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