$2.4 mil for Calif., Del. enforcement

U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood unveiled a "Blueprint for Ending Distracted Driving" that includes $2.4 million in funding for enforcement in Northern California and Delaware. LaHood's plan seeks to encourage the 11 states without distracted driving laws to take action, although there were no specifics on how this would be achieved. The new Department of Transportation plan also calls for the auto industry to adopt "new and future guidelines for technology to reduce the potential for distraction," but it was unclear if this signaled any kind of increased pressure on vehicle … [Read more...]

Ohio 39th state to ban texting, driving

Ohio became the 39th state to ban texting, as Gov. John R. Kasich signed a distracted driving measure into law. The ban takes effect 90 days after the June 1 signing, at the end of August. A six-month warning period will follow in which police will not write tickets but may make stops. The new Ohio law has two levels of enforcement: There is secondary enforcement for adults who text messaging while driving. This means that police need another reason to stop and cite violators, such as speeding. For drivers under the age of 18, however, texting and use of other portable electronic devices … [Read more...]

Judge: No liability for text sender

The argument that the sender of a text message could be held liable for a crash has been shot down by a New Jersey judge. The widely publicized case involved a distracted driving crash in which a husband and wife each lost a leg. They were riding a motorcycle in Mine Hill when struck by the driver of a pickup truck. The girlfriend of the young man driving the pickup truck text messaged him just before the accident. The driver responded with a text seconds before hitting the motorcycle. Kyle Best, 18 at the time of the 2009 accident, admitted that he had been texting on his cell phone before … [Read more...]

No. 38: Alabama bans texting & driving

Starting Aug. 1, text messaging while driving will be illegal in the state of Alabama. Gov. Robert Bentley signed off on the distracted driving legislation May 8. The law was a long time coming. The bill's author is state Rep. Jim McClendon, left, one of the nation's most persistent lawmakers when it comes to distracted driving. McClendon, R-Springville, saw his distracted driving legislation rejected or ignored at least six times. In 2011 and 2012, McClendon's texting and driving bills cleared the House only to die in the Senate. This year, the Senate played ball. A compromise deal was … [Read more...]

6 in 10 teens say they text, drive

Teenagers know all about the dangers of texting and driving, but most of them do it anyway. Those who don't probably have frequent talks with their parents about safety. That's the takeaway from a phone survey of 652 teens taken by Harris Interactive. Almost six in 10 teenagers with driver's licenses surveyed admitted to texting & driving. The idea that texting behind the wheel is the new drunken driving didn't find much support with the kids. Of the 14- to 17-year-olds who have a license or plan to get one (almost all of the teens), 63 percent strongly agree they will get into an … [Read more...]