Saying "New Yorkers are driven to distraction with their smartphones," city traffic officials reported a 23 percent increase in traffic fatalities. At the same time, the city's transportation chief relaunched a safety campaign featuring "LOOK!" curb markers that are being employed at the metropolis' most dangerous intersections. 291 people died in traffic accidents from July 2011 through June 2012, according to the Mayor's Management Report, a "public report card" on city services. 176 of them were cyclists or pedestrians. That's the first increase since 2007. Distracted driving … [Read more...]
GHSA: Ban handheld cell phone use
The Governors Highway Safety Association has climbed off the fence on the issue of handheld cell phone use while driving. The group, composed of the top highway safety officers from each state, previously supported text messaging bans for all drivers and limits on electronic device use by teen drivers. But it had stopped short of endorsing bans on handheld cell phone use by all drivers, saying research was inconclusive. Almost all public safety groups and transportation agencies have long been on the record against use of handheld cell phones by drivers. The GHSA move, announced Sept. 6, … [Read more...]
Hands-free texting OK’d in California
Californians soon will be free to use hands-free technology to text message while driving, under a measure signed into law Friday. The bill's sponsor called passage "a huge victory for commuters." Assemblyman Jeff Miller, R-Corona, pushed through the relatively low profile AB 1536. He cited the burden of current distracted driving limits on business people who spend so much time in vehicles: "I can relate to the frustration of many Californians who were unable to communicate with friends, family and business partners while driving because it is currently against the law to operate text … [Read more...]
Distracted driving incentives survive
Distracted driving incentives survived an official challenge from the U.S. House, as the federal transportation bill was approved and sent to the president for his signature. The bill provides about $78 million in incentives for states that ban text messaging for all drivers and the use of handheld cell phones by young drivers. States that do not would not share in this additional funding but would not lose existing funding. States receiving the distracted driving grants from the U.S. Department of Transportation will be required to spend some of the money on enforcement and education. The … [Read more...]
N.J. approves full prosecutions
The New Jersey Legislature gave final approval June 28 to a measure allowing full prosecution of cell phone users if they drive recklessly and cause serious harm or death. The legislation is tagged Kulesh, Kubert and Bolis' Law, after New Jersey victims of distracted driving accidents. Handheld cell phone users causing serious crashes would be prosecuted under criminal homicide or assault-by-vehicle laws, with a presumption that they were driving recklessly. Penalties would include prison time and fines up to $150,000, similar to drunken driver punishments. The distracted driving measure … [Read more...]
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