Michigan enacts teen cell phone law

A ban on cell phone use by teen drivers has been signed into law by Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder. The toll from distracted driving "strikes at all our hearts," the governor said. "This is an important chance to step up, particularly for young drivers," he said at the public signing ceremony for "Kelsey's Law" on Jan. 8. The ban on cell phone use by teens in Michigan goes into effect in late March. It affects drivers with a restricted (level 1 or 2 graduated) license. State Sen. Howard Walker's legislation was named for Kelsey Rafaelle (pictured), a Sault Ste. Marie teenager killed in … [Read more...]

Uptick in U.S. distracted driving deaths

Highway deaths linked to distracted driving were up slightly in 2011, an increase that the federal government said reflected better reporting and increased awareness of the problem. The number of people killed in distraction-related crashes rose to 3,331 in 2011 from 3,267 in 2010, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported Dec. 10. About 387,000 people were injured in wrecks blamed on distracted driving, a 7 percent decline from the estimated 416,000 people hurt in those crashes in 2010. Overall, national highway deaths fell to 32,367 in 2011, the lowest level since 1949 … [Read more...]

In Florida, more texting law drama

Florida supporters of a text-messaging law head into the new legislative session with hopes for change in the capital city of Tallahassee, but early signals are mixed. A four-time sponsor of texting legislation says "some of my major stumbling blocks" have left the Legislature. But the incoming speaker of the House, Will Weatherford (left), issued a statement this week that appears to support the "individual rights" of drivers to text message. The Republican leader's comments came as the first Florida Distracted Driving Summit brought to Tampa more than 270 government officials, safety … [Read more...]

Wisc. teen cell phone law in effect

A law prohibiting all cell phone use by novice drivers is now in effect in Wisconsin. The law primarily affects state drivers under the age of 18, but also applies to drivers of any age with various types of probationary licensing. The Wisconsin teen distracted driving law specifies use of "a cellular or other wireless telephone," but does not extend to other portable electronic devices. The ban applies to all cell phone use, regardless of whether a hands-free accessory is engaged. Fines under the Wisconsin law range from $20-$40 for the first offenses. For subsequent convictions … [Read more...]

Calif. governor again rejects fine hikes

Gov. Jerry Brown has again vetoed a plan to increase California's distracted driving penalties. Looks like the plan never had a chance with the governor: "I have found even a $50 ticket unpleasant enough," Brown, left, said in his veto message of Sept. 28. Brown called current California fines "a powerful deterrent," adding: "I severely doubt that it will further reduce violations." Senate Bill 1310 sponsor Sen. Joe Simitian also was the author of the 2011 plan to double electronic distracted driving fines. That bill, too, was vetoed by Brown as a burden on "people of ordinary … [Read more...]