The art of identifying text messagers

Law enforcement departments across the country seem to find it almost impossible to tell when a driver is text messaging instead of watching the road. At least, those law agencies that oppose bans on texting while driving. Here's help for those cops and deputies suffering from blindness to texting motorists: Ontario County (N.Y.) Sheriff Philip Povero told a safety committee on Monday that “officers that are trained in highway traffic enforcement can look at vehicles that are down the road and they can see certain body language and other signs that could indicate that a driver is … [Read more...]

Philly stake out: Cell driving ban near

The city of Philadelphia moved closer to a local ban on use of handheld phones on Wednesday as Councilman Bill Green's plan sailed through committee. First offense will run drivers $150 while subsequent fines will be $300. (Update: The City Council approved the ban on drivers using handheld cell phones April 16 and Mayor Michael Nutter has promised to sign it into law. The vote was unanimous.) Pennsylvania's legislature has several cell phone and texting bills to consider, but none appear to have any heat. A spokesman for the Philly cops said he hopes the local ordinance's passage would … [Read more...]