Tennessee texting bill grilled

Tennessee legislators continue to dance around the issue of text messaging while behind the wheel. (Update: Tennessee Gov. Phil Bredesen signed a texting ban into law on May 13, 2009.) A month back, opponents of a Tennessee texting ban called for the attorney general to clarify if the dangerous practice was already illegal under state law (it was, sort of). Now they're reheating a tired and familiar argument. Rep. John Lundberg, R-Bristol, was grilled about his HB 107 on Tuesday. A fellow Republican asked why he was singling out texting while driving as opposed to, say, "eating a bowl of … [Read more...]

New offense: Drunken Driving & Texting

From Albany, N.Y., home of the Legislature that can't figure out text messaging and driving don't mix: "(The officer) asked the driver, Amanda Murphy of Amsterdam, why she was stopped in the middle of the road with her car running. Murphy allegedly said she was sending a text message. She was charged with driving while intoxicated. (From the Times Union) From Waupun, Wisc.: "A 23-year-old Madison man, who police said was apparently distracted while text messaging behind the wheel, was taken into custody after his vehicle smashed into a parked car. ... The man was arrested on charges of … [Read more...]

USA Today botches cell phone report

USA Today's Money section did a drive-by today on nationwide legislative activity concerning cell phones and driving. The story doesn't even mention text messaging, which is the driving force behind most 2009 wireless communications legislation affecting motorists. In the wake of the L.A. commuter crash, legislatures have rushed to address texting while driving this year. Proposed bans against use of cell phones without hands-free devices are mostly being ignored or defeated, or watered down just to prohibit texting. Put simply, this is shaping up as a rotten year for those who'd like to … [Read more...]

Indiana student dies, texting debate fueled

Good debate on the dangers of texting while driving in the comments section of this Indiana newspaper's report (update: no longer online). Sadly, it was inspired by a young woman's death (in August 2009). Legislation that would ban texting by drivers under 18 is advancing in Indiana's Legislature. Some of the commenters note that this would not have helped the 21-year-old driver, Brittiany R. Phillips, who had been sending and receiving text messages in the moments before the fatal crash. (She also had not been wearing a seat belt.) It's quite possible, however, that under a similar law the … [Read more...]

Cleveland councilman: Let them text

Cleveland looks ready to ban text messaging for city drivers. The plan, aired in a safety committee this week, now has the endorsement of Mayor Frank Jackson's administration. Ohio's legislators appear to have no interest in the issues of text messaging and cell phone gabbing while driving. Lawmakers in almost every other state in the nation are debating possible bans on the activities. Right in line with the dozing state reps is Cleveland Councilman Michael Polensek (pictured), the Plain Dealer reported: "I would be happy if the hoodlums were texting each other rather than robbing people … [Read more...]