In Spain, the traffic law was revised in late 2021 to provide for 6 demerit points vs. the license for holding cell phones while driving. The tougher new traffic rules -- which go into effect in late March 2022 -- also make prosecution of mobile phone offenses easier, as police only have to witness the holding of the phone to write a citation -- not its active use. Fine remains 200 Euros. (View the British distracted driving news page and the International distracted driving news page.) In Spain, a plan to toughen mobile phone laws for drivers is advancing in parliament. The new Traffic, … [Read more...]
Text messaging road rage strikes
Like to text message while behind the wheel? Beware the wrath of vigilante justice. A woman in North Providence, R.I., allegedly was texting away on her cell phone as she cut off another motorist. Anthony Rapone, 60, allegedly forced her to stop in the middle of the road, threw her cell phone to the ground and punched the woman in the face. He then kicked the woman's car repeatedly for good measure, police said. Rapone said his father had been killed in a wreck caused by a driver who was driving and texting. He was charged with assault, vandalism and disorderly conduct, according to the … [Read more...]
Distracted driving fines need punch
A swarm of newspaper editorials resulted from recent developments about distracted driving. Most of the editorials called for action at the state level to cut down on the use of text messaging devices and handheld cell phones. The editorial board of the Star-Ledger (Newark, N.J.) had something new to say, however. After making the usual points about the perils of distracted driving, the newspaper took aim at the puny fines most of these laws hand out: "Silly, selfish behavior that puts people's lives at risk should carry stinging penalties. ... It's time for a major crackdown on talkers and … [Read more...]
DOT calls texting, cell phone summit
A national summit on the issue of drivers' use of cell phones and text messaging devices has been set by the U.S. Department of Transportation. The gathering of senior transportation officials, safety advocates, law enforcement representatives, members of Congress and academics who study distracted driving will be "in late September," Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood announced Tuesday. "I'm against texting but I'm not going to pre-judge the summit," LaHood later said in a Twitter entry. The DOT will announce a series of actions to deal with the distracted driving crisis after the … [Read more...]
New Hampshire texting ban now law
New Hampshire drivers can no longer legally text message and drive come Jan. 1. Gov. John Lynch signed legislation Friday that prohibits using two hands to type on an electronic device. Entering numbers on a cell phone is allowable. "It is clear that texting while driving poses a serious danger on our roadways. This new law sends a strong message that drivers should be attentive to the road, and those around them at all times," Lynch said. Meanwhile, in Oregon, Gov. Ted Kulongoski has signed off on HB 2377, which bans texting for drivers and also limits use of cell phones to adult … [Read more...]
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