The U.S. Department of Transportation's summit on distracted driving begins Wednesday, bringing more than 200 experts to Washington to address the problems of texting and using cell phones while on the road. The summit was inspired by the growing national alarm over the problems of inattentive driving, primarily the potentially deadly practice of text messaging while driving, a practice seen as common among young adults. The public is invited to view the summit online and to submit questions for the panelists. View the page for the distracted driving webcast. The DOT will issue a series of … [Read more...]
Texting ban opponents say the darndest things
We're becoming connoisseurs of ridiculous arguments against driver-safety laws for cell phones and text messaging devices. It's rare to see two in the same day, but we are doubly blessed today. Check out these bone-headed comments from a couple of Republicans during West Virginia's committee meeting on texting while driving: Delegate Carol Miller, R-Cabell, pointed out that kids are really, really good at text messaging while driving. "Young people can text all day without even looking," she said. If texting and driving is banned in West Virginia, perhaps there should be an exemption for … [Read more...]
Automaker backs texting bans
Automaker Ford has endorsed congressional plans to force states into banning text messaging while driving. The Ford Motor Co. said it believes hand-held texting "substantially increases the risk of accidents." It is the first U.S. automaker to weigh in on the texting ban issue. Ford's entry into the texting debate has no clear purpose, nor is it likely to make a significant impact on pending legislation. The endorsement does, however, provide some more ammo for lawmakers nationwide seeking to wipe out the dangerous practice. In any case, the Ford endorsement of congressional action has … [Read more...]
NTSB staff ban on texting, cell phoning
The new boss at the National Transportation Safety Board is a fan of BlackBerries, but not of hypocrisy. After her ceremonial swearing in Tuesday, NTSB chairman Deborah Hersman announced a ban on text messaging and talking on cell phones for all staffers who are driving during work hours. The policy extends to texting and cell phoning on personal time if the driver is using a federally owned wireless device. Hersman, appointed to the post by President Obama, noted that "the risk of catastrophic consequences is too great." She noted her own addiction to her BlackBerry. The new policy … [Read more...]
Text messaging video sobering, stunning
The Utah texting tragedy that saw two scientists lose their lives has inspired a remarkable 15-minute documentary that should be seen by everyone who uses handheld portable electronic devices. The New York Times recently profiled the case of Reggie Shaw, a college student who was text messaging as he lost control of his SUV and killed the rocket scientists, who were on their way to work. Shaw received a month in jail and 100 hours of community service, an incredibly light sentence that inspired new Utah laws that could add up to 15 years in prison for a texting-related vehicular … [Read more...]
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