Teens, texting at night a deadly duo

U.S. teenagers' most dangerous move behind the wheel? Not speeding, not drinking, not racing. It's simply driving after dark, according to a new study of highway fatalities. From 1999 to 2008, the proportion of fatal crashes at night involving teen drivers increased 10 percent, according to a study released May 6 by the Texas Transportation Institute. Fatalities involving all drivers fell during those 10 years. Most of the blame for the teen spike should go to use of cell phones and texting devices, researchers speculate. "We know driving at night is dangerous," said Bernie Fette of the … [Read more...]

The distracted driving dictionary

Like all social issues, distracted driving has a unique terminology that's used by those involved in the conversation -- legislators, police, activists, researchers and so on. Here, in context, are some of the key words and phrases used in the national debate over distracted driving: Distracted driving: Covers a wide range of activities that draw away a driver's attention from the road. Bills that seek bans on handheld cell phones and text messaging devices typically are classified as distracted driving legislation. In a broader sense, activities such as putting on makeup, operating a … [Read more...]

Wisconsin 25th state to ban texting

Wisconsin's governor signed into law a ban on texting while driving, making it the 25th state to outlaw the practice. Jim Doyle joined a growing line of governors who enacted distracted driving laws this legislative season. Right before him was Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm, whose texting-ban signing ceremony was broadcast live on "The Oprah Winfrey Show." Wisconsin's new distracted driving law (from Assembly Bill 496) provides for fines ranging from $20 to $400. The offense is targeted for primary enforcement, which means law office can stop violators for that reason alone. Enforcement … [Read more...]

‘Oprah’ carries Michigan text bill signing

Gov. Jennifer Granholm had been expected to sign Michigan lawmakers' ban on text messaging while driving. No one figured she'd be doing it on "The Oprah Winfrey Show." Granholm signed the bill in downtown Detriot, during a rally shown live on the second live "Oprah" special dedicated to the dangers of distracted driving. "Thanks for your leadership," the governor said to the talk show host. The "Oprah" program also broadcast parts of no-cell-phone rallies in Atlanta, Los Angeles, Boston and Washington, D.C. Winfrey declared April 30 "National No Phone Zone Day," named after her distracted … [Read more...]

When legislators attack (texting bills)

Two lawmakers have dug in their heels on texting while driving legislation, effectively killing texting bills in Florida and Alabama. In Florida, the chairwoman of the House Finance and Tax Council says the primary bill that would ban texting and driving is "intellectually dishonest." She refuses to allow a vote on its merits. Rep. Ellyn Bogdanoff, R-Fort Lauderdale, says HB 41 is "not stalled. It's dead." (HB 41 is the companion to SB 448, which is moving ahead in the Senate.) Bogdanoff's beef seems to be that the bill ban behaviors that she says are already covered under state careless … [Read more...]