California crackdown stings 53,000

California's monthlong crackdown on distracted drivers -- called the nation's largest campaign against distracted driving -- wrapped with more than 53,000 citations written. The sweep coincided with the first Distracted Driving Awareness Month (April). It involved 103 California Highway Patrol offices and more than 280 local and regional law enforcement agencies. At the same time, the Office of Traffic Safety reported a 7 percent decline in fatal crashes, although there is no clear link to the distracted driving campaign. California has had rolling sweeps for several years, almost all of … [Read more...]

Indiana bans texting, driving

Indiana has become the 32nd state to ban text messaging while driving. The law becomes effective July 1, 2011, with fines up to $500. Gov. Mitch Daniels signed the texting act into law on May 11. Specifically, the Indiana distracted driving law prohibits drivers from typing a text message, transmitting the message or reading an electronic mail message. Texting via hands-free or voice-operated technology is allowed. The law calls for primary enforcement, meaning police can stop and cite violators for that reason alone. The Indiana texting law has an unusual exemption: communications systems … [Read more...]

Allentown cell phone law tossed

A county judge in Pennsylvania has thrown out Allentown's local law against using handheld cell phones while driving. The cases of two drivers ticketed for cell phone use were brought to Judge James Anthony on appeal. "The (state) legislature can certainly pass a statute specifically covering the use of cell phones while driving, and any other matters concerning distracted driving, but has yet to do so," Anthony wrote in his opinion. "Until such time, (the city's cell phone ban) is pre-empted by state law, and is therefore invalid." (Update of June 8: Allentown decided not to contest the … [Read more...]

Getting ‘The Last Word’ in Miami

Here's an outstanding video that deals with the emotional aftermath of a father's death caused by texting while behind it wheel. More of a short film than a PSA, the 4-minute drama takes its time getting to the point, but the payoff is powerful. The Miami-Dade Expressway Authority paid for "The Last Word," which was produced by Dade County-based ad agency Ronin Advertising Group. Kudos all around. The short film anchors an MDX texting-and-driving pledge campaign, with more than 7,800 signees to date. The pledge goal is 1 million signees. “What we've realized is that many of the campaigns … [Read more...]

North Dakota bans texting, driving

North Dakota, one of the few remaining states without any distracted driving law, has just become the 31st state to ban text messaging while driving. State Rep. Larry Klemin's House Bill 1195 prohibits all drivers from using a wireless communications device to read, write and send an electronic message (includes email). The bill was signed April 26 by Gov. Jack Dalrymple. The North Dakota texting and driving law takes effect Aug. 1, with fines of $100. Enforcement is primary. Dalrymple said at the signing ceremony: “Texting while driving is clearly a dangerous distraction that can … [Read more...]