Bubblehead wants you — to stop texting

The usual sights on the 405 Freeway in Los Angeles include famous street signs, beautiful sunsets, colorful graffiti -- and plenty of law-breaking distracted drivers: SUV owners yakking on cell phones; teens texting away while behind the wheel. Now there's "Bubblehead," a giant Barbarella-like cutie holding up a cell phone whose on-screen message reads: "PLS DNT TXT & DRIVE." Los Angeles artist Mike McNeilly created the 13,000-square-foot billboard as part of his continuing series of public service works starring the Bubblehead character, so named because she's wearing a space helmet -- and … [Read more...]

Calif. gov gets bill doubling fines

The state Senate and House have approved Sen. Joe Simitian’s SB 28, a reprise of his 2010 plan to more than double fines for distracted driving violations. The 2011 bill was sent to Gov. Jerry Brown on Aug. 15. Update of Sept. 7: The governor vetoed SB 28, saying its fines were too punitive for most people. Under the Simitian plan, fines for using handheld cell phones or text messaging while driving would have increased to $50 (first offense) and $100. In addition, a point is charged against the driver's license on second and subsequent offenses. A first offense would cost violators about … [Read more...]

Faces of Distracted Driving: Heather Hurd

Heather Hurd is the latest victim featured by the U.S. DOT in its "Faces of Distracted Drivng" video series. In 2008, the 26-year-old was on the way to her wedding planner's office in Orlando when a trucker who was fumbling for his text messaging device slammed into nine vehicles at a red light. Hurd and another woman were killed, and Hurd's fiance was seriously injured. The wreck occurred on Florida’s infamous "Bloody 27" highway. A stretch of the road was renamed in Heather Hurd's memory. Her parents became distracted driving activists and went on to help create Heather's Law (2009) in … [Read more...]

In the dog days, a safety warning

Doggie distractions: AAA just updated its poll on pet owners who drive with their dogs in the vehicle. Once again, the survey found the pet owners fessing up to their potentially dangerous behaviors. About 6 of 10 drivers who own dogs reported that they bring their canines along on car trips. About a quarter of the respondents said they use their hands or arms to restrain the dog while braking. Almost 20 percent of the drivers said they reach into the back seat to interact with the dog, while 17 percent of the drivers allow their pets to sit their laps. "83 percent of respondents … [Read more...]

Double trouble for distracted driver; mayor busted

A pair of odds and ends, with the emphasis on odd: Here's a candidate for the world's most brazen distracted driver: British police were in the process of stopping David Secker of Norwich for using a handheld cell phone while driving on a freeway. To their astonishment, the officers then realized that he was texting on another cell phone. The capper: Secker reportedly made the officer wait for him to finish his cell phone call. Sentencing is Aug. 15. Toronto's mayor allegedly gave the finger to a citizen who scolded him for using a cell phone while driving. Ottilie Mason said she gave … [Read more...]