Starting Aug. 1, text messaging while driving will be illegal in the state of Alabama. Gov. Robert Bentley signed off on the distracted driving legislation May 8. The law was a long time coming. The bill's author is state Rep. Jim McClendon, left, one of the nation's most persistent lawmakers when it comes to distracted driving. McClendon, R-Springville, saw his distracted driving legislation rejected or ignored at least six times. In 2011 and 2012, McClendon's texting and driving bills cleared the House only to die in the Senate. This year, the Senate played ball. A compromise deal was … [Read more...]
6 in 10 teens say they text, drive
Teenagers know all about the dangers of texting and driving, but most of them do it anyway. Those who don't probably have frequent talks with their parents about safety. That's the takeaway from a phone survey of 652 teens taken by Harris Interactive. Almost six in 10 teenagers with driver's licenses surveyed admitted to texting & driving. The idea that texting behind the wheel is the new drunken driving didn't find much support with the kids. Of the 14- to 17-year-olds who have a license or plan to get one (almost all of the teens), 63 percent strongly agree they will get into an … [Read more...]
Idaho outlaws texting while driving
Text messaging while behind the wheel will no longer be permitted in Idaho as of July 1. Gov. Butch Otter signed the Legislature's distracted driving measure April 5. The distracted driving law will receive primary enforcement -- police can stop and cite offenders for that reason alone -- but offenses are not moving violations. Also, there are no points assessed against the driver's license. The fine for texting & driving in Idaho will be $85. Idaho became the 37th state to outlaw text messaging while driving, following West Virginia by only two days. West Virginia also banned use of … [Read more...]
Chapel Hill: Total cell phone ban
The nation's first blanket ban on cell phone use while driving has been approved by Chapel Hill, N.C. Drivers will be barred from all cell phone conversations, including those conducted via hands-free and voice-activated accessories. The law takes effect June 1 and the fine is $25. The town provided "some real leadership" on the distracted driving issue, the head of the National Transportation Safety Board said in response. The Chapel Hill law isn't as groundbreaking as it may appear, however. The new law presents two significant loopholes for those who can't go without driving and … [Read more...]
West Va. bans texting, cell phones
"I want West Virginians to remain free from distracted drivers," Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin told lawmakers back in January. They listened. The governor's advocacy proved to be the key to breaking the state's long deadlock over distracted driving, with the Legislature approving his plan to outlaw text messaging and the use of handheld cell phones for those operating motor vehicles. (Update: Tombin signed the West Virginia distracted driving legislation into law on April 3. This article originally posted March 10, 2012.) As time expired on the legislative session late March 10, the House and … [Read more...]
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