Maine puts brakes on handheld cell phones

Maine's governor has signed into law state Sen. Bill Diamond's handheld cell phone measure. The new distracted driving rules take effect in mid-September. Diamond, left, succeeded with a hands-free bill during the previous legislative session, but the plan was vetoed by then Gov. Paul LePage, who rejected its attempt at what he called "social engineering." Diamond and his backers found new Gov. Janet Mills more receptive, and she signed the bill into law June 27. (LePage is a Republican and Mills is a Democrat.) The law prevents drivers from holding and using mobile telephones and … [Read more...]

Florida lawmakers put teeth in texting law

Florida has upgraded its anemic distracted driving law. The measure signed May 17 by Gov. Ron DeSantis makes texting while driving a primary offense, meaning police can stop and cite offenders for that reason alone. The state also took a hesitant step toward a handheld cell phone ban by prohibiting the practice in active school zones and roadway work zones. The strengthened law takes effect July 1. "Distracted driving has become an epidemic and I thank my colleagues in both the Senate and House for passing this much-needed common-sense legislation," said state Rep. Jackie Toledo, … [Read more...]

Stunned by cop’s death, Arizona goes hands free

Inspired by tragedy yet slow to overcome resistance, Arizona has adopted a handheld cell phone ban. A hands-free measure cleared the Legislature on April 18 and was signed into law by the governor April 22. Arizona lawmakers were so opposed to electronic distracted driving regulation that the state does not currently have a texting & driving law. That dynamic changed in January, following the death of a police officer in a crash caused by a driver who admitted to texting. Dozens of Arizona's cities and counties have local laws against electronics use while behind the wheel, and those … [Read more...]

Minnesota hands free via new cell phone law

Minnesota has become the 17th state to ban the use of handheld cell phones. The state's hands-free law -- considered one of the legislative session's top achievements -- goes into effect Aug. 1. Motorists will need to use hands-free technology in order to operate their smartphones. Limited hands-free operation is permitted for GPS and the playing of music. Fines for holding a cell phone under the measure pushed through by State Rep. Frank Hornstein will range from $50 (first offense) to $275. Gov. Tim Walz offered families of those lost to distracted drivers "the deepest apologies … [Read more...]

NY mayor sends texting message

Hizzoner isn't playing when it comes to distracted driving. New York Mayor Bill de Blasio directed his police detail to stop and cite a motorist for texting while he was traveling on FDR Drive in Manhattan over the weekend. "I just said, ‘Pull her over, take whatever enforcement action you would take in that situation. Give her some on-the-spot education,' " de Blasio told reporters a few days later, while pushing his new traffic safety initiative under the Vision Zero umbrella. "I'm happy to be citizen patrol here," he added. De Blasio said he didn't know if the woman was told the … [Read more...]