Citing "a looming public safety crisis" from in-vehicle communications technologies, AAA released a study that again concludes hands-free is not risk free. "Just because a new technology does not take the eyes off the road does not make it safe," said the report from David Strayer's team at the University of Utah. AAA predicts a "five-fold increase in infotainment systems in new vehicles by 2018." "A rush to voice-based interactions in the vehicle may have unintended consequences that adversely affect vehicle safety," the researchers concluded. The report came a day after Apple … [Read more...]
Connecticut seeks insurance penalties
Connecticut's General Assembly has sent to the governor legislation making electronic distracted driving a moving violation. Insurance companies would be alerted to any offenses, allowing them to raise the premiums of violators. State lawmakers also sent to the governor on June 5 a plan to hike fines for electronic driving. The idea is to see that offenders "get hit in the pocketbook," said the head of the Transportation Committee. "To some individuals, it may sound drastic, but in my opinion, it's not drastic enough," said the chairman, Rep. Tony Guerrera (pictured). He called the … [Read more...]
Herzog looks at a texting tragedy
Werner Herzog is no stranger to grim subjects, having created the documentaries "On Death Row" and "Grizzly Man." A British newspaper recently cited the German film director's "50 years of potent, inspiring, disturbing films." Herzog was behind the camera for a rare commercial, a short but stunning PSA for AT&T's "It Can Wait" texting & driving campaign. Herzog says nothing during the clip, contrary to his style, and lets the mother of a paralyzed boy do the talking. "His legs are gone, he is paralyzed from the diaphragm down," the mother before the camera reveals Xzavier, confined to … [Read more...]
N.Y. hikes points for texting tickets
New York has again strengthened its penalties for text messaging and driving. Gov. Andrew Cuomo also pushed through the legislature enhanced penalties for young drivers who ignore the texting law. "No parent should have to experience losing a child at the hands of a text message," the governor said at a May 31 news conference. "It's amazing how chronic and prevalent this activity is," Cuomo said. Effective immediately, DMV demerits against a texting offender's license increase from 3 to 5 points, making the distracted driving infraction an even-more significant factor in determining … [Read more...]
Finger-pointing over Texas texting
The sponsor of Texas' ill-fated texting & driving bill isn't going away quietly. And he's making the issue personal. State Rep. Tom Craddick charges that his measure "succumbed to the will of a stubborn chairman," state Sen. Robert Nichols of the Transportation Committee. Craddick (pictured, left) said the former Texas Department of Transportation commissioner "thought that he knew better for Texas when he refused to allow a vote on this bill that would save lives." Craddick made his anger public after his HB 63 cleared the House by a wide margin (97-45), received an emotional hearing … [Read more...]
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